Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) refers to an agreement between two countries that aims to eliminate or reduce the tax liability for individuals or businesses that operate in both countries. It is a bilateral agreement between two countries, which can help prevent the incidence of double taxation on the same income that is earned by an individual or business.

For example, if a person or company earns income in both Country A and Country B, without a DTAA in place, they would be required to pay taxes on the same income in both countries. This can lead to a significant financial burden, which can be avoided through a DTAA.

DTAA can be of significant benefit to individuals and businesses engaged in cross-border trade and investment. The primary purpose of this agreement is to eliminate double taxation and to provide a platform for cooperation in tax-related matters between the two countries.

Different countries have different tax laws, and without a DTAA in place, it can lead to confusion and financial difficulties for individuals and businesses engaged in cross-border trade or investment. This is where DTAA comes into play, as it provides clarity and certainty on tax matters, making cross-border trade or investment much more straightforward and less financially burdensome.

DTAA typically covers many areas, including business income, dividends, royalties, interest income, and capital gains. It ensures that any tax paid in one country is allowed as a credit against the tax payable in the other country, thus preventing the incidence of double taxation.

DTAA also helps to prevent tax evasion by providing a mechanism for information exchange between the tax authorities of both countries. This helps authorities to track and prevent any income that may be hidden or unreported, which can benefit both countries in terms of tax revenue.

In summary, DTAA is a bilateral agreement between two countries that aims to eliminate or reduce the tax liability for individuals or businesses that operate in both countries. It provides a platform for cooperation in tax-related matters, ensuring that there is clarity and certainty on tax matters for individuals and businesses involved in cross-border trade or investment. DTAA is essential for preventing double taxation and tax evasion, and it is beneficial for both countries involved.