If you`re a filmmaker looking to produce a short film, it`s important to understand the Sag Aftra Short Film Agreement. The Screen Actors Guildā€American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) is a labor union representing actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news directors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, and voiceover artists in the entertainment industry.

The Sag Aftra Short Film Agreement is a contract between filmmakers and SAG-AFTRA that outlines the terms and conditions of employing union actors in a short film production. The agreement is designed to protect the interests of both parties and ensure that actors are compensated fairly for their work.

Some of the key provisions of the Sag Aftra Short Film Agreement include:

– Casting: A minimum of two speaking roles must be cast from the SAG-AFTRA database of actors, with the option to cast up to five more roles from the database. In addition, up to five non-union actors may be cast in non-speaking roles.

– Compensation: Union actors must be paid at least $125 per day of work, with a minimum guarantee of $500 for the entire production. They are also entitled to overtime pay for work beyond the standard eight-hour day, as well as meal breaks and rest periods.

– Use of footage: The producer has the right to use the footage from the short film for promotional purposes, but the actors retain ownership of their performances and have the right to use their footage for their own promotional purposes.

– Working conditions: The producer is responsible for maintaining a safe working environment for all cast and crew members, and must comply with all applicable labor laws and regulations.

It`s important to note that the Sag Aftra Short Film Agreement only applies to productions with a budget of $50,000 or less. If your production exceeds this budget, you may need to enter into a different type of contract with SAG-AFTRA.

In addition to providing a framework for working with union actors, the Sag Aftra Short Film Agreement also offers a number of benefits to filmmakers. For example, by casting union actors, you can ensure a certain level of professionalism and talent on your set, which can enhance the quality of your film. In addition, working with union actors can help you build relationships within the industry and open doors for future projects.

As a filmmaker, it`s important to understand the Sag Aftra Short Film Agreement and comply with its provisions if you plan to work with union actors in your production. By doing so, you can ensure that your production runs smoothly, your actors are compensated fairly, and your film is of the highest possible quality.