Subject-verb agreement is one of the most fundamental rules of English grammar, and it is essential to follow it to ensure clear, concise, and accurate communication. When a sentence`s subject and verb do not agree, the sentence may become ambiguous or confusing, leading to misunderstandings.

Here are some basic rules that you need to keep in mind to ensure subject-verb agreement:

1. The subject and verb must agree in number. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural.


– The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject – “cat” and verb “chases”)

– The cats chase the mice. (plural subject – “cats” and verb “chase”)

2. In sentences with compound subjects joined by “and,” the verb should be plural.


– The cat and the dog are playing. (plural subject – “the cat and the dog” and verb “are playing”)

– The book and the pen are on the table. (plural subject – “the book and the pen” and verb “are on the table”)

3. In sentences with compound subjects joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb should agree with the nearer subject.


– Either the cat or the dog is at the door. (singular subject – “the dog” and verb “is”)

– Neither the book nor the pen was on the table. (singular subject – “the pen” and verb “was”)

4. In sentences with collective nouns, the verb should agree with the context of the sentence.


– The committee is divided on the issue. (singular verb – “is”)

– The committee members are divided on the issue. (plural verb – “are”)

5. In sentences with indefinite pronouns, the verb should agree with the pronoun`s natural number.


– Someone is knocking at the door. (singular verb – “is”)

– Both of them are here. (plural verb – “are”)

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule of English grammar. Follow these basic rules to ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and easy to understand. Remember that when the subject and verb agree in number, your writing becomes clearer and more effective.